I´ve never lived in the city, I never could walk past a street begger without smiling. And it´s not a malicious smile. Maybe the city has hardened you. You no longer care for one another. I can´t grasp this concept. I´m a by-prodcut of a small town. I care without pretense.
I wish I had more to give you. I would give you what little I have if I could spare it. I want to empty my pockets into your outreached hand. However, I, like you, my pockets remain empty.
I give you a warm smile not only becuase that´s all I can give you but becuase I care. I care if you are here reaching out, begging and if you weren´t the next day. Everyone walks past you without a single peso or penny dropped into your hand, they didn´t even meet your eyes. As if you need to possess something to be human. Without money you fleed to a street corner, becuase it was the only thing you could do. You didn´t chose to be here, I doubt you want to be. However since you are here with your outreached hand you are no longer seen as human. The same as a stray dog that people became accustomed to seeing, accustomed to walking past without a single pull on their heart strings.
One day I´ll sit down next to you and ask for your story. It would mean the world to me to simply understand. Even if I have nothing to give you, there is something I can do. I can show interest in you, interest no one has bothered to show. I will smile at you, an all hearted, caring, thoughtful smile because I´m not from the city. I care without pretense. I only wish I had more to give you.