Monday, January 24, 2011

You were my Drug

You are my metaphor, the endings of my beginnings of my sentances You are my uplift to disappointment and you cushioned all my crash landings. You made me smile when I wanted to do anything but, you were everything. You'll never know how much you meant to me. There were no others, just me and you. 

You were my drug. It the most metahporical sense. I didn't want to go a day without you, almost as if from addiction. You soothed my problems like a good trip. You made me happy when nothing else would. When the world looked dark there was always you. You're the most powerful drug, stronger than crank, crack, LSD, weed, mushrooms, every drink cocaine, than every drug in existence. There were no harmful side-effects... your drug filled me up and kept me feeling high. You were my drug, and our drug was absolute love. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I've Always wanted to Say

For the majority of my life I have dedicated most of my time with my friends... rarely ever did I have to deny a friend in need for family obligation.
I just realized even though I currently have good friends who make the passing time more enjoyable, today I'm proud to say one of my friends invited me to do something and I prefer to spend the time with my family. "I can't.. I'm going to eat with my family, then go to the mall with my family and see a movie and have coffee." You can really find family anywhere.. and I found one here in Mexico.
I've always wanted to say that. Inbetween leaving the house, getting kicked out of the house, problems from all directions I ran to my friends who got me through the toughest times in my life. I've jsut always wanted to say "I can't, I am doing something with my family."

Sunday, January 16, 2011

This Is Why I Don't Want to Know Your Name

The other night history has repeated itself. How many times have you met someone interesting of the opposite sex. Someone who you might have instantly feel attracted to? How many times has this happened..
A few days ago I met a guy like many times before. Except along with the few others I asked or knew the name things thus far have not turned out so well.
It's as if asking for their name and establishing some connection some knowing ruins all future possiblities. I will never forget the best nights especially where you find someone to share the night with.
However I have one referenc point but the morning after I felt no regret. The night I kissed a random stranger in the "calle de beso" or the street of kissing. Just like that, a good story, no regret.
All the other times I knew their names. Just knowing that broke my heart a little every time because they never made a move after. That's why I don't like playing the game. I have given up so many times because of heartbreak... and every time, the last time is forgotten it happens again and I am reminded.
This is why I don't want to know your name.

Monday, January 10, 2011

This is how fragile it is.

Someone died today. I don't know who. But when my family comes home crying after hearing of a death, I can't not do anything.
One day someone is here and the next they could be gone. This is what we never fail to realize. What we always forget. How fragile life is... and once it is gone... it will never be brought back. That person will only live on in our memories and in our hearts.
What can we do? At a time such as this? What do you do as an onlooker to grieving? What words do I possess to ease the suffering. The suffering, slow and painful of my loved ones?
I woke up today as if it was any another day. The sun is still shining, the wind still blowing... but it doesn't feel right for me anymore.
Someone died.